Vastu Shastra

Are you sure that your staff is working peacefully and giving their actual output?

Is your Office Vaastu Approved? Have you ever feel positive and joyful energy while entering a place or building? An immense happy feeling which can turn your bad mood into a very happy mood and you start feeling comfortable than before? Similarly, a negative feeling which can spoil your good feelings into a bad mood.… Continue reading Are you sure that your staff is working peacefully and giving their actual output?

Vastu Shastra

Fascinating Story of Vastu Purusha?

Indian mythology is full of stories that tell about the several characters that somehow leaves an impact on our daily lives. One compelling story revolves around the character called Vastu Purusha from Indian texts. The text cites the chaos he created and how all Gods controlled him. The story also depicts the origin of Vastu… Continue reading Fascinating Story of Vastu Purusha?