Numerology Services

Child Name Analysis & Correction

Name keeping, check, critical for your child
“30 minutes”, that can be the most significant counsel, protection, your child can get for his/her life. Renowned Numerologist -Mr Sachinn S Sharma, with over 3 decades of research, insights. His guidance covers, name check, correction, choice of subjects, career guidance, a robust health, excellence in tests to come, responsible relationships, and safety.

Numerology Consultation

Numerology Life Reading
Life reading, name check, name correction for an individual and family – A complete review of life to be, while a clear commentary on past life’s unfulfilled karmas if any, that may be catastrophic if not paid.

Vastu Consultation

Vastu Shastra / Energy balance
It is an action to ensure that your office and home has not negative energies in it and the flow of energy is smooth. Consult your Vastu For Home, Offices, Factory, and Shop by Famous Vastu Expert Sachinn S Sharma

Business Consultation

How Numerology Helps Your Business?
Any business enterprise faces a few / multiple challenges as listed below, where Numerology is a very effective tool as a solution. Compatibility of Business Name or Partnerships. How to deal with people – clients, vendors, key employees, etc.

About Numerologist Sachinn S Sharma

Numerologist Sachinn S Sharma is one of the foreman names in Numerology, Karmic guidance, and spiritual healing. With his intuitiveness and spiritual awareness, he has shaped and improved the lives of many. He has overcome many struggles in his own life using his knowledge of the spiritual space. And now, he uses his knowledge to help improve the lives of everyone who needs it.

Renowned Numerologist Sachinn S Sharma has a wide array of services available to improve the quality of anyone’s life and make them reach their maximum potential.

What is Numerology?

  • Numerology based life solutions for the individual/family for success in all realms.
  • Vastu and blocked energy removal solutions.
  • Business enterprise management solutions.
  • He is the most sought after today for his “life transformation programs” – The Agraneeh Man, SSS Money Magnet – 1 or Power Numerology.
  • He also teaches Professional Numerology to a select few.
  • He created a complex matrix solution software that can create a customized 100 page PDF of an individual’s life ahead.


Clients Testimonials

Yesterday’s session was truly exceptional… Surely the one day session ended with lots of learnings and the new Life started in a positive way… This one day was a blessing as if God’s messenger met us to show us a path which was never seen till yet.
Thank you so much…👍
Raanjot Singh Uppal CEO Satyam Toyota

Ranjot Singh Uppal

and have been associated with sacchinn Sharma from last eight years, we follow his advice in all aspects of our life,I have attended “The Agraneeh Man” yesterday and I feel this is definitely a life changing workshop , if one can practice what has been communicated and taught. I never knew how our small actions in life has so much impact on what we buildup for our future.
I am Glad and Thankful to my spouse who suggested me to attend this and experience new energy.
Best wishes
Yashi Shukla

Yashi Shukla

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