Numerology, Sachinn S Sharma Business Speak

How Numerology Impacts Business Name?

Your company or business name speaks a lot about you and your vision. Lets know how numerology impacts Business name? Be it is product centric or service oriented, you select the name that best describes your organization and its goals. As per numerology, the name of the venture has a great impact on the company’s future. It is capable of bringing good luck into the company. But what if you have an amazing product, a hardworking team and brilliant business acumen and still you are unable to beat your competitors. You have tried everything but nothing seems helpful? There are some of the things you need to introduce in your organization for fruitful results.

Talking about selling or marketing techniques, every business uses some skilful and unique methods that set it apart from the rest. With the ‘Dealstorming’, a collaborative approach follows a linear process which requires a discipline. It uses a cross-department team to push and move long-standing business to business sales forward. As 40% of business sales are unable to meet their decided quotas, marketing and sales team are finding it harder to meet the deadlines. Because most of the deals are facing challenges, influx of multiple decision makers, complex technology and abundant information has complicated the client’s expectations.

Dealstorming has cleared all the obstacles with the infusion of seven major steps which begins from:

  • Qualify
  • Organize
  • Prepare
  • Convene
  • Execute
  • Analyze
  • Report

The size of the team required for performing the dealstorm process depends upon the value and difficulty of the sale.

But beyond the marketing skills, astrological factors also have a strong impact on the nature of the business. It is hard to ignore them as they somehow affect the business. So, if you are looking for a successful venture to run, it is advised to consult an expert of numerology to determine what is suitable for your company. Don’t hesitate to reach them for help.

How numerology can help you to choose a perfect and fortunate name for your company or Business?

Modifying or changing the company’s name with numerology is way simpler than name numerology. Two factors are considered which includes nature of venture and the business’ owner date of birth.

Use the below mentioned formula to decide the name:

Select a name which portrays the business name + Decide an effective number for your organization + Offer your product and service + be patient = Success.

What each number demonstrates?

One: Signifies the leader, bringing innovation and new ideas on the floor

Two: Describes relationship and balance. This number is beneficial for the therapist or a coach

Three: Best describes the creativity expression in art, music, speaking, photography

Four: Lucky for people in construction or manufacturing company

Five: A number of successful expression and best explains the travel, entertainment, and fun

Six: Suitable for healing professions like a teacher

Seven: Just two words describe number 7: unique and unknown

Eight: Power-pack number and best for business success

Nine: Good for speaker and coach as it represents the transformation

So, if you are looking to start a company or planning to change name of your current company then connect with Famous Numerology Business Consultant Mr. Sachinn S Sharma. We guide and help you in selecting a company’s name as per numerology. You can call us anytime or reach to our centre.